Expecting twins when you've already got kids? Take a breath because we've got you!
Twins After Singletons is an on-demand compact class specifically for parents having twins after singletons. Your instructor, Melanie, mom of twins +2, will prepare you for all the things she wished she had known before having her twins.
What you'll get:
- 25 video modules that you watch on your own schedule
- Learn what you need to know about adding twins to an already busy family of one, two, or more kids.
- Created and taught by a mom of twins plus two older kids!
Modules include:
- Things you can't do too soon
- Making plans for your kids on delivery day
- How will I fit all these kids in my car?
- Toy storage tips
- Concerns during pregnancy
- Breastfeeding twins prep
- Baby gear tips for parents adding twins to their crew
- Best strollers for twins +1 or +2
- Delivery day tips
- NICU tips
- Mistakes parents of twins + older kids make
- Finding help
- Coming home with the babies
- Feeding the twins
- Naps and bedtime
- Getting out of the house with the circus
- Preparing your partner
- Couple time
- Big kid feelings: Regressions, acting out, and needing attention
- When the poop hits the fan
- Organization tips
- Friendships after twins
- When to call in the pros
- Total length of video modules: 61 minutes
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Have you tried the Twiniversity App?
Do you wish there was a twin pregnancy app that also serves as a raising twins app once your twins are born? Well, guess what? WE MADE IT! The Twiniversity App will be your new favorite app to track and monitor your twin pregnancy AND track feedings and diaper changes for your twins throughout the first year of life. This app was designed by twin moms specifically for YOU! This is the app we WISH we had when we were having twins.
Learn more or Download Now!