Hi, I'm Nat.


After a unique and challenging twin pregnancy and a tough first year with my duo, it was my fellow parents of multiples that helped me through it. I wanted to make sure that ALL parents of twins had that same community and so was born, my next baby...Twiniversity. 

About Natalie Diaz



After Nat had her twins, she was shocked by the lack of resources available to families of multiples. Magazines, websites, and television shows all seemed to focus on “singleton” families. As a full-time mom, Natalie vowed that once her twins started Kindergarten, if no one had started giving twin families access to more information, she would do it herself. So proudly in the fall of 2009, after no one had organized twin parents, Natalie got on a soapbox and started a twin parenting revolution called Twiniversity. She wanted to make ONE website that parents of multiples could turn to for information and community. With the mission of connecting, educating and making parents see the comical side of having twins, Twiniversity succeeds tenfold.

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Twiniversity isn't just classes, we have a website too. 

Most Popular Articles

Twin Pregnancy Week-by-Week

Starting at 5 weeks pregnant we have a week-by-week timeline that will fill you in on, things you'll need, questions to ask your doctor, show you other members twin bump shots and ultrasounds, and more. 

Your Twins the First Year

Week by week and then month by month, see what your twins may be up to. Take a look back or peek into the future with our best-read articles on twin parenting. Tips on feeding, sleeping and more are included along with some sweet twin pictures.

Twiniversity's Multiple Birth Discounts

Strollers, diapers, baby carriers, formula discounts and more! See what discounts are offered just for Twiniversity moms and dads. Hey, every penny you save adds up fast. College is right around the corner. Start saving now! 

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